For a start, I have never eaten Taramasalata (p77), so I'm not sure (a) whether I like it or (b) what the heck it should taste like. No matter, in for a penny, in for a pound and I scoured the borough for cod roe. I eventually found a fish counter which had it on ice (although re-reading the recipe it called for smoked roe - no idea whether this is the same thing), and I bought the smallest piece I could so I could make a reduced portion of the recipe. No point making tonnes of the stuff in case it turns out to be vile.

Come Wednesday, I got it out the fridge - can't tell if it's off or not - and scooped the roe out from the skin. Put in the processor with some bread that has been soaked in water & squeezed out, and a crushed garlic clove. Run the processor drizzling in olive oil until it is the consistency of thick cream. Stir in lemon juice.
I think I put in too much oil - it's all I could taste, having gingerly dipped a cracker into the result. Hmm. I have to confess that I didn't get too much further than that - but on the plus side, I didn't get food poisoning.

The next day I browned the chicken, then put in a pot with the cooked beans. I softened some chopped leeks in the pan, added the garlic from the marinade, then a litre of water. Any extra marinade went in, and the orange rind. Cover and cook for a couple of hours in a moderate oven.
Very tasty with mash - although the orange could have done with being fished out at the end of cooking. No pic as I ate it before getting the camera out!
Not sure I'd like the first but the chicken and bean stew sounds OK. Take care.