
Nigel Slater's Kitchen Diaries is both an entertaining read and a fabulous cookery book. Join me as I journey through the year cooking along with him...
Do buy the book from Amazon or your local book store. It's not just the recipes, its the gentle writing style and the importance of food provenance which strike a chord with me.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Week 10 - Pork Burgers and Lamb Marinade

I am noticing that Mr S does not have a particularly sweet tooth, and so there is only the odd cake or pudding recipe that has made it onto these pages.  Just an observation from one who finds the biscuit tin unexpectedly empty at this very moment.

Anyway, this week's recipes have been fine, so no complaints there and we join Mr S on p81 for pork burgers.   It's not often that I have to source something unusual for my cooking evenings - one of the things which makes these recipes an attractive proposition - but this week I needed lime leaves.  I've never heard of cooking with lime leaves, let along seen these in the supermarkets, so was very pleasantly surprised when the local Sainsbury's turned up trumps.

Chop spring onions, chillies, garlic and coriander, grated ginger and lime leaves then whizz them into a paste in a food processor.  Whizz pancetta (I used fatty bacon) in the processor & add to the spice paste. Mix well with minced pork.  Leave to rest in the fridge, then make into patties.  Fry in a shallow pan with a little oil.

Our second dish is a lamb steak marinaded in various spices.  Mr S raves about it on p84, but if we are being honest, it didn't do a lot for me - the faff outweighed the result in my view.

Make a marinade out of gently fried mustard seed, fennel seed, cumin and coriander, with added chopped shallots, a chilli, crushed garlic and grated ginger.  Add a couple of chopped tomatoes and simmer to reduce.  Take of the heat and squeeze in some lime juice and chopped coriander leaves.  Once cool, marinade the lamb steaks overnight.  Grill or fry.

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