
Nigel Slater's Kitchen Diaries is both an entertaining read and a fabulous cookery book. Join me as I journey through the year cooking along with him...
Do buy the book from Amazon or your local book store. It's not just the recipes, its the gentle writing style and the importance of food provenance which strike a chord with me.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Week 11 - Chicken Salad and Smoked Mackerel on Toast

Well this week I have had great success with at least one of my dishes - a salad with not one ingredient that I would normally put in a 'salad' - extraordinary!

So start with Mr S on p85 - he calls this 'a refreshing chicken salad', and he's spot on.  Start off by dry frying some pumpkin seeds in a sprinkling of soy, put to one side, then dry fry some whole skinned almonds.  Make a dressing with virgin olive oil, whole grain mustard and red wine vinegar (I used balsamic as it was in the cupboard).

Peel carefully an orange, and slice, adding to the dressing, making sure that any juice is captured too.  Put a handful of watercress on a plate, add cooked chicken pieces, add dressing-with-orange and finally sprinkle over the almonds and pumpkin seeds.  Easy peasy and utterly delicious. In fact, so delicious that I ate in two days running, and both times scoffed the lot before I remembered to take a photo.

Next up is a simple supper dish of smoked mackerel on p87.  Skin then flake smoked mackerel into a bowl.  Add some chopped chives, cream and Parmesan cheese & mix.

Lightly toast some nice bread (he uses sourdough, I used a malted wholemeal), pile on the mixture, drizzle with extra cream and Parmesan and grill until golden and bubbly.  Yum.

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