
Nigel Slater's Kitchen Diaries is both an entertaining read and a fabulous cookery book. Join me as I journey through the year cooking along with him...
Do buy the book from Amazon or your local book store. It's not just the recipes, its the gentle writing style and the importance of food provenance which strike a chord with me.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Week 7 - Kipper Patties and Hot Chocolate Pudding

I was spoilt for choice with what to cook from this week's recipes - lots of lovely things - but decided to forego the stew and pork chops to go for something fishy and something sweet.

So we're with Mr S on p48 with a simple smoked fish recipe.  It is certainly simple, and it turns out to be not only very tasty, but also very cheap.  Ticking all the right boxes here. All we need are kippers, floury potatoes (I used the baking potatoes 'picasso' which I grew last year), dill, flour, garlic and mayonnaise.

I boiled the kippers in the bag, then drained and scraped the skin off and mashed them in with the cooked potato (& a knob of butter) and chopped dill, then made them into patties, and left them to cool in the fridge.

Meanwhile I mixed the rest of the chopped dill and a crushed garlic clove into the mayo.  Finally, the patties are dusted with flour and fried for a few minuetes on each side.  Job done.

I followed this with the most delightful rich chocolate puddings (p52).  Easy to make, but impressive enough for entertaining, I would think.

So we're melting chocolate, and adding butter and - secret star ingredient - nutella, meanwhile beating egg yolks and caster sugar until really creamy.

Then clean the beaters and whisk up the egg whites. Fold the melty chocky mix into the eggs & sugar, and then fold the eggwhites in.  Put into buttered ramekins & bake in a moderate oven.

They puff up to the top of the ramekins and crack along the top leaving a slightly gooey middle.  Excellent with cream - yum!


  1. That all sounded yummy again, though I've never tried kippers, but we do eat smoked cod. I also love anything chocolatey. I like catching up with what you've been cooking each week, so well done you. Take care.

    1. I would be more usual to make fishcakes with smoked haddock, Sue, but the kippers are much cheaper - and delicious. The chocolate puddings were delicious, but really rich - I'd use smaller ramekins next time!
